Friday, February 10, 2006

Topsy Turvy

It's another round of what did they know and when did they know it. I don't know if you can call it Katrina Gate, inasmuch as it involves Levees. But the coverup looks like it merits a Gate tag.

Michael Brown, the former head of FEMA, announced that he was now willing to answer questions about his handling of the relief effort for New Orleans. Following the disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina, Brown refused to answer questions posed by Congressional investigators. He has changed his mind. As a private citizen he said, "I feel an obligation to answer any questions they put to me."

I might be offbase here, but wouldn't a public official have a greater degree of accountability, and therefore a greater obligation to answer questions than would a private citizen? At the very least, the obligation would be equal. There is no justification for the head of FEMA refusing to answer questions about matters in his bailiwick.


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